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JAMAICA, Lluidas Vale

We received word from brother Dave Osbourne recently that he has accepted a fulltime preaching work with a congregation of the church in the Cayman Islands. 

Although we are saddened to hear of Dave’s decision, at the same time we are proud of Dave’s accomplishments and hard work in Jamaica and of his skills in teaching and preaching which brought him to the attention of the brethren in the Cayman Islands.  The church there is fully self-supporting so we will not be involved with Dave and Marie’s support after the end of November.  They plan to relocate in December or January.   Just as brother Michael Roberts before groomed Dave to take his place at Lluidas Vale after he moved from Jamaica, so has Dave been working with brother Jacques Small to take up the work when he leaves.  Brother Small is currently in his second year of training with the Jamaican School of Preaching in Kingston, and has been returning on weekends to work with the youth and other activities.  We are thrill that we will have someone that already knows the Lluidas Vale community and congregation, and who is eager to preach the gospel and save souls!  Also, brother Gladwyn Kiddoe, director of the Jamaican School of Preaching recently begun a Wednesday night Leadership Training program at Lluidas Vale.  That program will continue for a year so that will help provide a good measure of leadership and stability for the church at this time.

We look forward to hearing from brother and sister Osbourne and learning of their continued service in the Lord’s kingdom.

The Hartford church has been involved in Jamaican mission work for many years, beginning with its friendship and support of brother Carl Maples (deceased) who worked in Jamaica for eight years before retiring to Ponca City and becoming one of the church’s elders. For most of those years, our support has been for the work in Lluidas Vale, a friendly, medium-sized community in the heart of the mountains, surrounded by beautiful fields of sugar cane. The church has grown into a strong, mature congregation. The church building is paid for and adequate and future needs. Each weekday morning, a number of school children receive a free breakfast hosted by the church as a ministry to the community.


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