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Manuel Garro

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Manuel Manrique Garro


 October 4, 2011

Dear Brother Don,

God Bless you and all brothers at your community. We always pray for your labor and ask God to help you continuing forward preaching the Gospel and bringing the message of our Savior to all lost souls.

I am please to send you this time a report from last August and soon I will be sending the one from September. We have had some difficulties with the computer and with internet. So far thanks God we are now able to have contact again.

-At Los Mangos Neighborhood the following are the numbers:

Activities                                             Amount                         Average Attendance

Worships                                                 4                                              15

Children Bible Study                              5                                               9

Pray and Fast Worships                        2                                               16

Pray Meeting                                         4                                                19

Adults Workshops                                 4                                               13

(Themes:  1.Family: Conflicts: skills for peace seekers; 2. How to prepare classes for children; 3. How to prepare a Bible Study; 4. Church and Christianhood).

-At el Carmen Neighborhood:

Activities                                             Amount                         Average Attendance

Worships                                                 4                               18 (12 Adults, 6 children)

-At Matanzas Neighborhood:

Activities                                             Amount                         Average Attendance

Worships                                                  4                               22 (7 Adults, 10 Youth, 5 children)

Bible Studies*                                         4                                               13

Teachers Workshop                               1                                                2

Fast and Pray Worship                          4                                                4

Summer Bible School                            3 days                                       12 (children)



Dear Lyle,         Nov. 23, 2009

I am sending the report from July to September, also this letter to tell you a bit about my present condition.

I am steady on Lord’s promises. The congregation continues forward. At present I no longer am able to run the work at church. My grandsons Jriam and Samuel are together with their father, (and my son-in-law) Alejandro in charge of the congregation. I am loosing my vision. I am not able to do as much as I use to a few years ago. My wife Elena has the Alzheimer disease. My daughter Esther is taking good care of us. God bless her. On the other hand my daughter Naomi houses the other congregation at her house. Her husband and Eduardo are  in charge. And Alejandro’s sister’s husband, Carlos is in charge of El Carmen congregation. All is going pretty well thanks God.

I feel like I want to work on the Lord’s labor but my physical capabilities do not allow me. I pray the Lord everyday for him to give me strength to keep going forward preaching to all those who come to hear me at home or anyplace.

 Anyway I am proud of the family I have raised. They all are deeply involved and committed to the church work. That is my biggest reward.

 I am also happy for the help you sent to us, not only concerning financial terms, but spiritual. To know you pray for us, and care about us is greatly supporting. Thanks, may God bless you too.

 I am sending soon new news and reports. Keep praying for us and for the epidemic here.

We always pray for you all. In Christ’s Love,

 Manuel Manrique Garro

  (Our first news from Manuel since last summer, now we know why.Lyle)


Dear Brother Lyle,    July 29, 2009

I am so sorry for all troubles we have had in our communications.  After hurricanes the situation concerning communication has being terrible.  Our confidence is in our God.  We hope future will be brighter concerning economy, weather and politics.  We know everything happens under his concern, so good things abide for us.  “In Christ I can overcome everything, for he strengthen me” Philippians 4:13.  From now on it is my faith that we will have better communication.

 It is a pity we couldn’t communicate with Keith during his time.  Now we hope to have a better communciation with Burlie.  

We thank you for having us in your praying list.  We do the same.

We want to thank you also for your support.  It is always highly appreciated.  No matter the amount, the fact is tremendous, mainly these days.  that is for God’s work and glory.  Might our communion be for ever in earth and heaven.

I was really happy for your letter.  More, I was happy to see the many times you have tried to keep in touch.  God bless you!

God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit be always with you all, amen.   


Manuel Manrique Garro Report

April-May-June 2009

                                          A  T  T  E  N  D  A  N  C  E 

Activities   Planned  Matanzas   Los Mangos    El Carmen   El Naranjal   Total


Worships       13            33              18                     20                                         71



Study              11             3                 8                      5                                          16




Study             13              11              16                                         7              34    




Meeting          13             6                  15                                       3              24



Meeting           1              5                    9                                                       14



Meeting           1              8                     3                                                       11



Shelton            3             21                  15                                                      36




Monroy             1             12                    3                                                     15



There were four baptisms:  1) Gladys Mercedes Quintana Piloto, 2) Katering Rodriguez Moreira, 3) Marlen Valdes Gazmuri, 4) Leticha Jorge Alvarez    




Jan. –April 2008 Report


                                                                            Average Attendance                                                                         

Activities                                             Matanzas       Los Mangos       El Carmen       Naranjal       Total

Worship Service                                      40                    15                        24                      —            79

Children Bible Study                               13                     9                         13                      —             35

Adult Bible Study                                    12                     13                        —                      13            38

Youth Meetings                                      10                     5                         —                       5             20

Men’s Meetings                                       6                      —                         —                      —             6

Women’s Meetings                                 16                    —                         —                      —             16

Third Age Meetings                                14                   17                         —                      —             31

Fast and Pray Reunion                          15                   18                         —                      13            46

Evangelism Campaign (Bro. Shelton)  27                   9                           —                      15            51

United Worship (Monroy’s visit)           11                   13                         —                       —            24

Bible Study (Monroy)                             —                   5                           —                       —            5

Youth Special Activity                            7                    23                         —                       3             33

Preachers Meeting                                  8                    3                           —                       —            11

Board Meeting                                        1                    3                           1                        —             5

Local Executive Meeting                        11                  3                           —                       —             14