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Hartford Ministries

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There is a lot happening at Hartford Avenue.  The congregation is made up of hard-working, loving, and dedicated Christians. 

Shepherding Ministry (elders)

This ministry, based upon the criteria set forth in the scriptures as pertaining to the qualifications and work of the elders, or shepherds, is responsible for the oversight of the members and the spiritual vitality and soundness of the congregation.  It also provides for ongoing training and appointment of new elders.

Servants Ministry (deacons)

This ministry, also based upon the criteria set forth in the scriptures as pertaining to the qualifications and work of deacons, is responsible for ensuring that various good works are not overlooked because of a lack of leadership.  Deacons assignments are made by the elders and are considered serious commitments.

Bible Study Ministry

This ministry is charged with the responsibility of providing excellent Bible study classes for both adults, youth and children, on both Sunday morning and Wednesday night.  They are also responsible for special educational events such as VBS and Teacher Training Workshops and Teacher Appreciation Banquets.

Teen Ministry

This ministry is charged with the responsibility of putting together a well-rounded program of teaching, training, and mentoring of our teens.  This includes planning and facilitating activities that provide the youth with fun times as well as serious spiritual development.

Women’s Ministry

This ministry is charged with the responsibility of coordinating opportunities for women to learn and grow, give and serve.  It includes planning ladies classes, ladies retreats, and special ways our sisters-in-Christ can use their talents and interests to help the church and the community.

Fellowship Ministry

This ministry is charged with the responsibility of planning and coordinating “family times” for the church to come together.  These are special times for us to eat together, play games, and show honor to whom honor is due.

Assemblies Ministry

This ministry is charged with the responsibility of making sure that each church assembly is conducive towards the purpose for which God calls us to come together.  The ministry plans and coordinates the services, and makes sure that the appropriate people are in place, including the greeters.

Caring Ministry

This ministry is charged with the responsibility of responding to those in our church and community who are in need.  Assistance in the form of food, clothing and finances is provided as needed.  They help the church, as the body of Christ to continue His work of compassion to those who are suffering.

Outreach Ministry

This ministry is charged with the responsibility of reaching out to our community with the gospel.  They plan and coordinate activities and special meetings designed to plant the seed in hearts and minds, and to help bring fruit to the Lord!

Deaf Ministry

This ministry is charged with the responsibility of ministering to those who are deaf.  They provide classes and sign for the morning worship assembly, as well as provide interpretive services when needed.

Seniors Ministry

This ministry, sometimes referred to as the OMAHA ministry (Older Members at Hartford Avenue) seeks to provide special opportunities and services for our older members (65 plus).  A weekly breakfast and Bible study for senior men (“Good Ol’ Boys) is held each Monday morning except for the summer months.

Missions Ministry

This ministry is charged with helping the congregation fulfill its responsibility for taking the gospel into all the world in places other than Ponca City.  The Hartford congregation has had a long history of supporting mission works both overseas and within the U.S.  We are currently supporting workers in Jamaica and Cuba and help support the work of several university student centers and children’s homes.

Counseling Ministry

This ministry is charged with providing counsel for persons both within the congregation and in the community.  This is a free service and utilizes both professional and volunteer counselors.

Building & Grounds Ministry

This ministry is responsible for insuring that the building and campus make a positive statement to the community, and provide for a safe and secure environment for the church to meet for worship, study and fellowship.

Bereavement Ministry

This ministry seeks to provide a service to church members when death has come to someone in their family.  A meal is prepared and served to family members on the day of the funeral or memorial service.

New Member Ministry

This ministry is responsible for helping to welcome and orient new members to the Hartford congregation.  Whether one is a new convert or simply placing membership with the congregation, this ministry helps them to quickly find a place in the congregation which matches their interests and talents.

Library Ministry

This ministry helps to maintain and promote the use of the excellent resources that are available in our church library, which includes both books and electronic media.

Finance Ministry

This ministry is tasked with the safe and responsible handling of all funds received through the weekly collection and/or special contributions, and for providing records accounting for the proper disbursement of all funds.

Website & Technology Ministry

This ministry is charged with keeping church web presence current and relevant and effective.  They also seek to incorporate other ways that technology may be able to assist the church in its work of spreading the gospel and edifying (teaching/strengthening) the Christians.