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Missions Ministry

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The Hartford congregation is thankful it can have a part in helping to spread the gospel to other parts of the world.  In the past we have supported mission efforts in Spain and in several U.S. cities.  Currently we supporting workers in Jamaica and Cuba. To learn more about those works, click on any of the links below.


Hartford’s work with the gospel in Jamaica began many years ago with the influence of Carl and Kathryn Maples, who served two different times as missionaries there, returning both times to work fulltime with Hartford.  One of the works supported by Hartford has been the Jamaican School of Preaching, which Carl helped to begin.  The school is located in Mona area of Kingston.  We also help support a preacher in the community of Lluidas Vale, located in the mountains (hills) north of Kingston.  The church there enjoys a nice church building and a good reputation within the community.  The Hartford congregation has made several campaign trips to Lluidas Vale, helping to build and repair their building as well as conducting gospel meetings and vacation Bible schools.  Several Jamaican preachers have come from Lluidas Vale, including the preacher currently working with the congregation.

Jacques Small, Lluidas Vale


We entered into the Cuba work in the 1990’s after brother Juan Monroy (Spain) persuaded brother Lyle Harms to consider helping some of the men who were devoting time and effort to preaching and establishing congregations.  Brother Harms visited Cuba several times, becoming a friend of many of the Christians there.  Currently we are supporting five men in five different cities, each one a major provincial city.  Reports from many sources suggest that the five men we presently support are excellent and faithful workers.     Don Huddleston visited each of the five cities in March this year.

Jose Sori Cancio, Sancti Spiritus

Luis Sori Cancio, Trinidad

Lazaro Leon Lopez, Cien Fuegos

Leodan Leyva Balbuena, Las Tunas

Manuel Manrique Garro, Matanzas