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The Hartford congregation has a long history of involvement in missions, both in foreign fields and within the U.S.   We have had several domestic mission works,  including places in Iowa, Nebraska,  and Kansas.  For many years the church supported  men in various cities throughout Spain.  Then through the influence of brother Juan Monroy of Spain, the door was opened for us to become involved with the Lord’s work in Cuba.  We now support a number of fine Cuban preachers who are working hard to spread the gospel in that nation.  We have also had a long and  enjoyable work with the Lord’s church in Lluidas Vale, Jamaica.  In 1993, we helped them to erect a new place to meet in Barnes Pen.  In 2000, Hartford renewed its efforts in U.S. mission work, beginning a new congregation in the growing city of Sioux Falls, South Dakota. That church has grown to where it is responsibile for more of its own work.  However we continue to be a proud supporter of that work.

Click on any of the images below to view and learn more about our current mission points.



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